The CHAT group was established in February 2003 to provide opportunities for dialogue to develop among researchers in the fields of later historical archaeology and the archaeology of the contemporary world. The group is based in Britain, but encourages international perspectives. It is grounded in archaeology, but promotes interdisciplinary dialogue.
Since its establishment, the group has heldĀ annual conferences in October/November and the mission of the CHAT Standing Committee is to ensure the continuity, quality and ongoing development of the conference series. We welcome proposals from all interested parties and will work in partnership with potential hosts. You can find more information on our past and future conferences, and how to propose a CHAT conference.
The group publishes its conference proceedings and other monographs as part of the BAR series, along with other book series and edited journal volumes where appropriate. CHAT also hosts a lively email discussion list for the circulation of information related to, and general discussion of current issues in, theory and practice in contemporary archaeology and historical archaeology in the UK and internationally. This list is also used by theĀ Standing Committee to announce relevant items of news or information.